Welcoming 2012

macaroni salad. leche flan. 8 round fruits. glögi. baked chicken.

Kitku and Kauni are fine watching fireworks as long as the windows are closed, otherwise they'll run and hide until they feel safe from the loud disturbing sound. (Check out the gray cat's blog post on New Year's Eve.)

In Finland, fireworks may be used for New Year's Eve only from 6:00 in the evening until 2:00 in the morning. Shortly before and after midnight, we had a nice view of fireworks from our window, not a grand display but just right to fill the air with excitement while welcoming the new year with a good cheer.

Some Finnish translations:

ilotulitus - fireworks
uudenvuodenaatto - New Year's Eve
uudenvuodenpäivä - New Year's Day
uusi vuosi - New Year

Onnelista uutta vuotta!
